Cabled Electrical Group are highly skilled and licensed electricians, we are insured electricians providing prompt, professional electrical services in Melbourne’s Northern Suburbs.
With the amount of training and knowledge our team has, we will provide you with the best advice possible when looking at a domestic electrical switchboard upgrade also commercial electric switchboard upgrades aswell. We can solve your fusebox problems and offer guaranteed customer satisfaction no matter the size of the job.
There is no such thing as a job being too big or too small, we dedicate ourselves to ensuring the job is done correctly, efficiently and guarantee that its upto code.
Why should you get a Switchboard upgrade?
Besides on the nuisances of flickering lights, short-circuiting appliances, tripping switchboard and overcrowded appearances, broken switchboard enclosure, a new RCBO will instantly break an electric circuit to prevent electric shock and electrical fires – protecting your family and co-workers.
What’s more, any additional electrical work in your home requires RCD (residual current device) protection on the circuit.
Your house may also be quite old and, therefore, may have an older switchboard.
This is very important as there may be new rules and regulations compared to when the switchboard box was installed.
What is a RCBO?
RCBO stands for ‘Residual Current Breaker with Over-Current’ and is a type of safety switch.
It is a type of circuit breaker installed into the switchboard that will trip the electrical circuit when there is a power overload in order to protect people from experiencing electric shock or other potentially hazardous consequences, such as electrical fires and explosions.
Get a fast free quote now
Just fill out the form to get one of our specialist to give you a free quote or give us a call on 0477 873 004.